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Pumpkin Smoothie

Pumpkin Smoothie

We love smoothies. We love simple and easy recipes. We love sweets. And we love all things healthy. So this smoothie recipe ticks all the boxes and we’re sure you’ll love it too! Our pumpkin smoothie is just an amazing sweet treat...

Apple Pie Smoothie

Apple Pie Smoothie

An apple a day keeps the doctor away! This smoothie tastes exactly like a homemade apple pie, but without the extra calories and crazy amounts of sugar. The subtle taste of different spices makes the flavor so rich and rounded off. Added bonus is...

Strawberry-Vanilla Smoothie

Strawberry-Vanilla Smoothie

Making smoothies is a great way to get tons of vitamins and good nutrition. And sometimes they’re just the perfect dessert missing from the menu. This smoothie is good for warm summer day or when craving for something rich and...